Entries in Nintendo eShop (4)


Late to the Party: Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1

hings certainly weren't easy for the Neo Geo Pocket Color, a short-lived handheld that had to compete with the likes of the classic Game Boy Color and newly released Game Boy Advance shortly after. Still, there's something sweet and neat about recollecting a portable version of one of the most expensive consoles in history.

(Recollecting — see what I did there? I, well uh, never mind.)

That being said, SNK is at it again with the retro party pack full of nostalgia. This time, we've got a fully portable 10-pack of favorites from decades ago through its Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection Vol. 1 on the Nintendo Switch.

So is this a home run for even the newest takers or an acquired taste that only diehard fans need apply for? A little bit of both, honestly.

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QCF: Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

sn’t it mind-blowing how big and expansive games can be today? Just think about all the releases that have hit the market in the last ten five years that expand beyond 40 gameplay hours or more on average for completion. The real test of modern gaming has now drifted more into finding the time to play the title than the inherent challenge of the game itself—but that wasn’t the case thirty years ago.

In order to stand tall against the even most grizzled players, Video Games extended their mileage on the market by commanding difficulty curves that could immobilize even the most dedicated weekend rental. One series, in particular, made a name for itself when it came to hard-as-nails action, the masochistically macabre hop ‘n bop that is Capcom’s Ghosts ‘n Goblins franchise.

With some niche efforts by teams like From Software and other indie game studios to keep that old-school adrenaline of difficult gameplay alive notwithstanding, it’s a little bizarre to see a new mainline entry to the Ghosts ‘n Goblins in the year 2021. Thankfully, Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is a fleshed-out package that strives for a balance that’s accessible enough for anyone looking to celebrate its legacy, yet just as desirable in getting the most out of the crushing experience it has to offer.

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QCF: Armillo

hake your head all you want but the fact just simply remains that even after the introduction of Wiiware and eShop; the realm of indie games is still strange territory for Nintendo to cross—at least it seems like it with the way they’re going about it.

Thankfully, the big N is still trying to improve their approach towards their relationship in indie game distribution, and one of the products that’s especially benefited from their efforts in this campaign of exposure is an indie game about a space armadillo—a friggin’ sweet space armadillo.

Fuzzy Wuzzy Game’s Armillo channels the light-hearted spirit of character driven games of the 32-bit era, and humbly creates an adorably minimalistic atmosphere of challenge and colors that will universally appeal to the simple instincts and drive of platforming in a surprisingly intriguing way.

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PPR Presents Play Play: NES Remix 1+2 

intendo’s no stranger to pandering to all of the inner-children within us by tugging at our nostalgia, but in this case, we might have found an exception that does more than cater to rose-tinted fandom. Ser sits on in with George, and checks out what he’s missing on the Wii U with both, NES Remix and NES Remix 2. We check out all the nifty little tweaks and nuances, and argue over whether or not Nintendo’s still got the touch. They also get into about it Kirby games, and some other dumb shit, but that’s just the norm with them anyway.

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!