Entries in Collection (2)


35 years of Super Mario on Game Boy: a hopeful Game Boy Collection

fter months upon months of rumors about their existence, Nintendo finally put the scuttlebutt to rest, and officially revealed the Super Mario 3D Collection, a compilation of Mario’s iconic three-dimensional outings spanning three generations of hardware, all packed into one convenient title.

 Aside from the glaring omission of Super Mario Galaxy 2 though, something else has been really bothering me; it’s something that seems to have been overlooked by a majority of the community, myself included, and only really came to me after a certain title was coincidentally teased in the last Nintendo direct prior to this Mario-centric one…

 Why aren’t there any special curative efforts for the Plumber’s classic Game Boy stints? — Where has all of the love gone for Mario’s portable adventures?

 While there may have been an argument over just how much love these titles may have fostered from the Mario fandom, the hype over the recent output of portable tributes mobile device has left a lasting impact. Tributes like the Analogue Pocket, the Mega Man Zero Collection, and the soon-to-be-launched Collection of SaGa has proven that the library of software on Nintendo’s signature on the go device is still very much revered. Among these titles, are some of the finest Mario titles developed by the Big N, and if the 35th anniversary of the Nintendo’s Italian Stallion is any indication, there’s no better time than now to capitalize on re-releasing his Black-&-White classics onto their Console-Portable hybrid while the iron is still hot for the little thing.

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Bullet Heaven #245 - Vasara Collection (PS4/Switch)

Vasara is a game series that has taken a very long time to hit the home scene and Vasara Collection is getting the job done with the two original arcade games available in one package. It even adds a brand new mode to the mix, but we have concerns. So, how does it stack up?

Missed an episode? 
Bullet Heaven 242: Rapid-Fire Revisits Vol.1
Bullet Heaven 243: Tatsujin DLC (Game Tengoku Crusin' Mix Special)
Bullet Heaven 244: Psyvariar Delta

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