Entries in Game of the Year (8)


PPR Presents The Golden Zonkies: Class Of 2023

ot to get too sidetracked but did y’all know that American Dad has aired for 13 seasons now? Shit’s kind of wild when you think about it. Anyway, better late than ever, here’s our annual Golden Zonkey Podcast special for the year 2023! We were able to fit a bunch of new games into our lineup, and of course, a bunch of old-ass ones too! Like, sure I guess it isn’t all that weird that George rolled a Texas Instruments Ti99/4a and Epoch Super CassetteVision into his lineup, but can y’all believe that Ed got a PS5 AND an Xbox One?! Andrew also picked up a friggin’ PlayDate—we are certainly wildn’ right meow y’all.

Despite all of the layoffs and chaotic mergers leaving behind more Valleys than Peaks in the Games Industry last year, there were still some genuinely massive achievements that deserve their flowers. Here’s to doing what we can to give back to the medium that brings our lives so much joy.

In case y’all don’t remember the updated flow from the last couple of years, we have changed up our format and have done away with categories!  Now, bear in mind, we’re still giving our prestigious mark of excellence, a Golden Zonkey, to the games that are deserving of recognition, only, we’re not doing by a respective genre, or category. Instead, we will be giving them out in a personal list format by each of us in the podcast, and we’ll be spending time discussing why we picked the titles we did within a countdown of five (we just happened to have played more killer games in 2023 than usual.)

Also, the biggest change to the process is that we will no longer limit nominations to the titles that were released that same year but instead, games that we had the opportunity to play that year, because honestly—it gave a somewhat stressful deliberation process a much-needed shot of levity for us to play with for Golden Zonkies!

 Normally we would have done a roundtable of games that were worth a quick mention from the year, but we decided to mention them in passing instead, along with some not-so-honorable-mentions (we also chose a few more not mentioned on the show to include in the post!) We will then award the “Golden Zonkey of The Year” in a unanimous vote that was similar to the previous format, and conclude the show from there.

Thanks again for listening to us gab on about our favorite time-wasters from last year. May we do what we can to capture both your ears AND eyes this on Press Pause Radio with all the neat shit we have in store—love ya!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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QCF: Metroid Dread

ver time the Nintendo property lineup has operated as a stable of derby horses and their respective console launch being a race circuit for them to compete in. As the crowds pour in to back these figurative stallions with their money, there’s always been one Dark Horse in the stable that has straddled the line between stardom and obscurity—Metroid; a property that’s inspired droves of games, and yet has lied dormant for more than a decade between releases.

After the mild success of Samus Returns for the 3DS, Nintendo enlisted the studio MercurySteam once more for another 2D side-scrolling entry for the series, Metroid Dread, resurrecting the project for the Nintendo Switch years after its sordid past of setbacks and letdowns. Despite the baggage that the name comes with, however, this may be one of the best collaborations that Nintendo has ever achieved with another studio as Metroid Dread is not only one of the best games to have released this year—it stands to be the best entry of the 35-year-old franchise.

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PPR Presents The Golden Zonkies: Class Of 2018

s far as years for Video Games go, 2018 wasn’t that bad. For starters, the distribution landscape received a culture shock with the innovative premise of Xbox Gamespass, Sony landed some truly blockbuster exclusives for the PlayStation 4, and Nintendo managed to plant a Switch in over 22.86 Million households since its launch.

2018 wasn’t the best year for a God awful lot of reasons, but we can all take solace in the fact that at least in terms of video games, it did pretty OK, and  we would love to celebrate that that.

And what better way to do that by bringing you our trademark Game of the Year podcast, The Golden Zonkies! This year also marks the first time that we have changed up our format for the special mega cast—we’re doing away with categories!  Now, bear in mind, we’re still giving our prestigious mark of excellence, a Golden Zonkey, to the games that are deserving of recognition, only, we’re not doing by a respective genre, or category. Instead, we will be giving them out in a personal list format by each of us in the podcast, and we’ll be spending time discussing why we picked the titles we did within a countdown of five, and before we even get into that, we’ll also do a roundtable of games that were worth a quick mention from the year. We will then award the “Golden Zonkey of The Year” in a unanimous vote that was similar to previous format, and conclude the show from there.

There you have it; welcome to the latest class of the Golden Zonkies, we hope you kick back and enjoy the show!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR Presents The Golden Zonkies: Class Of 2017-Part 2

he final half of our Two-Part annual Game of the year show is finally here, and not a moment too soon, because it seems like 2018 is shaping out to be another shitty year too—oh well, on to the games!

Everything from games to events that saw the light of day in 2017, across fourteen different categories, and we have that very list for you here now. We’ll be plowing through an incredible catalog of choices, debating with one another from beginning to end in this epic podcast, each voicing our vote for the winner of its corresponding category.

The only stipulation in the Golden Zonkies, is that any point, a wild card can be suggested by one of the hosts if majority vote dictates that another nomination is more deserving of the award instead of the choices presently casted.

So without further ado, we present to you all Press Pause Radio’s Golden Zonkies, class of 2017! Enjoy the show!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR Presents The Golden Zonkies: Class Of 2017-Part 1

emember when we said the year 2016 sucked? Apparently the year 2017 sat back, and was all like “Hold my beer” and stuff, because man there were a lot of moments in it that just boiled it down to a 12-month shit show as well.  If there was one thing that 2017 did get right though, it was most definitely the video games, and let us tell you, it made for one of the hardest Golden Zonkey panels yet.

So hard in fact, that for the first time in Press Pause Radio history, we had to split the show up into two different parts! Our trademark Game of the Year podcast is special multi-part mega cast where we give our prestigious mark of excellence, a Golden Zonkey, to the game deserving of recognition towards that respective recognition.

Everything from games to events that saw the light of day in 2017, across fourteen different categories, and we have that very list for you here now. We’ll be plowing through an incredible catalog of choices, debating with one another from beginning to end in this epic podcast, each voicing our vote for the winner of its corresponding category.

The only stipulation in the Golden Zonkies, is that any point, a wild card can be suggested by one of the hosts if majority vote dictates that another nomination is more deserving of the award instead of the choices presently casted.

So without further ado, we present to you all Press Pause Radio’s Golden Zonkies, class of 2017! Enjoy the show!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR Presents The Golden Zonkies: Class of 2015

f 2015 was anything for us, it was the year we all had difficulty with being punctual with our shit—definitely our busiest.

Still, we enjoyed it more than we’ve lead on, and a lot of that had to do with the batch of games that were released last year; we got everything from anticipated blockbusters, to surprise smash hits that we’re STILL talking about.

Which leads us to our annual special from, Press Pause Radio—The Golden Zonkies. We’ve recorded a special mega cast where we give our prestigious mark of excellence, a Golden Zonkey, to the game deserving of recognition towards that respective recognition.

Everything from games to events that saw the light of day in 2015, across fourteen different categories, and we have that very list for you here now. We’ll be plowing through a incredible catalog of choices, debating with one another from beginning to end in this epic podcast, each voicing our vote for the winner of its corresponding category.

The only stipulation in the Golden Zonkies, is that any point, a wild card can be suggested by one of the hosts if majority vote dictates that another nomination is more deserving of the award instead of the choices presently casted.

So without further ado, kick up your feet, and saddle in (because this is a long one) and enjoy the show!

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR Presents The Golden Zonkies: Class of 2014

014; whether it was a year you cherished or hated, there’s no denying just how eventful the past twelve months have been—especially for video games.

From budding next-generation consoles that are gradually gaining ground after being on store shelves for nearly a year, to the challenges and questions that have shaken the industrial and culture foundations that drive the medium of video games and it’s direction; the 365thchapter we’re about  to close on has sure had a lot of shit happen in it.

And just what kind of year would it be without the annual Press Pause Radio’s Golden Zonkies awards to get their last word in?

Everything from games to events that saw the light of day in 2014, across fifteen different categories, and we have that very list for you here now. We’ll be plowing through a prestigious catalog of choices, debating with one another from beginning to end in this epic podcast, each voicing our vote for the winner of its respective category.

The only stipulation in the Golden Zonkies is that any point, a wild card can be suggested by one of the hosts if majority vote dictates that another nomination is more deserving of the award instead of the choices presently casted, but weirdly enough—it didn't happen this year....imagine that.

If you’ve got an issue with the Golden Zonkies and how it was conducted then just remember the only other rule; it’s our God Damn show and opinion anyway, so keep that in mind when you send us whatever discourse you have with our decisions after the show by doing the following:

Mail us at our new email Mailbag@presspauseradio.com, leave a voicemail at 469-PPR-TALK, and be sure to stop by at our Forums if you haven’t already registered and post your thoughts about the show. Finally, make sure to rate and subscribe to us on iTunes and YouTube, follow us on Twitch page and Twitter, and finally take part in our Facebook and Steam group!

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PPR 52

We have reached the end of another year, and now we at Press Pause Radio will reflect on perhaps one of the best years for video games as we bring to you our annual Top Ten Games of the Year! Each member of PPR has selected their top titles of the year and will gather at the figurative roundtable to discuss each selection. This is a longer episode but we hope that you'll enjoy the last episode of the year, perhaps when traveling to see family for the holidays or as you do some last minute shopping. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday, and expect more great things from Press Pause Radio in 2012! P. S. be sure to watch this amazing Snake Vs Zombie panel mentioned in this very episode!

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