Entries in Shmup (76)


Bullet Heaven, Episode 214 - 1917: The Alien Invasion DX (Switch)

1917: The Alien Invasion was a decent fictional account of WWI humanity versus an invading alien scourge. Now it's back with extra ships, levels and features as 1917: The Alien Invasion DX for the Nintendo Switch and PC... with what could be an inappropriate ESRB rating. What are we talking about? Let's take a closer look.


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 213 - Quad Fighter K

So you want a shmup for four players in the vein of star soldier and other caravan shmups? Quad Fighter K answers the call, complete with a faux kusoge in tow. So how does this indie Japanese caravan shmup stack up? Let's take a look!

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Mudprints Unboxes: Dimension Drive Limited Edition (PS4)

Eastasiasoft has been making a great effort to produce a number of awesome physical versions to many independent games worldwide, often with lavish collector's editions. In this episode of Mudprints unboxes, we're taking a look at the Dimension Drive Limited Edition from 2Awesome Studio and Eastasiasoft!

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Bullet Heaven, Episode #205 - Sol Divide: Sword of Darkness for NSW

ome games have a pretty bad reputation but more than once on Bullet Heaven we've shown that sometimes it's not as bad as it seems. But Sol Divide? Who knows how it'll fare... but! Zerodiv has brought it to the Nintendo Shmup, and it's time to see if it shines, or if it gets eclipsed. How does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 201 - Samurai Aces for Nintendo Switch

Zerodiv is back with another entry in the Psikyo for Niontendo Switch line with Samurai Aces, also known in Japan as Sengoku Ace! As the first game that Psiyko would make afte splitting from Video System, how does Samurai Aces hodld up? Let's take a closer look.

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Bullet Heaven, Episode 200 - Summer Carnival '92: Recca 

Episode 200 has finally happened. It was only fitting that we review a legendary game for this legendary milestone. How does Naxat Soft's Summer Carnival '92: Recca Stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 199 - Aqua Kitty UDX (Switch)

Since 1981, Many games have been made that empoly the core structure of Williams' Defender. We have taken a look at quite a few games that employ one or several of these mechanics in the past, and now it's finally time to check out Aqua Kitty Milk Mine Defender UDX on Nintendo Switch! How does it stack up?


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Bullet Heaven, Episode 198 - Space Invaders Extreme (Steam Ver.)

In episode 153, we took a look at Space Invaders Extreme on the PSP. We preferred it to its DS counterpart due to its excellent prenestation. But now, Degica Games and Taito have retweaked this great game for the 40th anniversary of Space Invaders (and the 10th for Extreme itself!) resulting in what could be the best Space Invaders game ever crafted. How does it stack up?


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