Press Pause Radio is an independent Podcast about Video Games in terms of culture and society to industry and development and every much nostalgic about the rooted games of our gaming past.
Here's the thing -- Press Pause Radio has the goal of trying to distance ourselves away from any other other podcast you may hear about or listen to. We range on a multitude of topics, from current events in the video games industry, to many different retrospectives that made our once scoffed upon "juvenile" entertainment into a respected media platform among music and movies. So kick back and listen! Feel free to message us with any ideas you may have for the show, or just plain message us.
Why not get to know the guys behind Press Pause Radio a little more, so I figured that I'd start things off with me. So I started off into this lifestyle of mine when I was a wee young lad. I was exposed to the NES, and with it the games Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt and Donkey Kong JR. I was hooked! When I wasn't enjoying my youth I was becoming more and more immersed in the lifestyle of video games. Soon I saw myself owning a Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Super NES, and a TurboGrafx 16, and I was hooked for years and years to come. The video game lifestyle and culture gave me this feeling -- a feeling of gratifying investment, something I continually have fun with to this very day. As the years went by, I forged my love of journalism with years and years of Electronic Gaming Monthly. I awaited for my monthly subscription to arrive with reviews and previews while I further grew my ever evolving nerd persona with the discovery of Anime and passion for DC comic books.
I remember writing letters to Electronic Gaming Monthly and feeling an excitment for the newest game to come out of Japan, or being so torn between the playground fanboy battles since I owned both a Sega Genesis and Super NES. However, when it came to the Journalism side of games, I always found myself backing EGM while I bashed on GamePro in terms of quality for multi-platform coverage (looking back now though, I really miss GamePro). No matter how much I change in this aging life of mine, with an ever-changing composition, video games will always be a big part of it. And taking the chance to talk about it every two weeks with you guys, the listeners, man... that's fucking awesome.
George edits and creates the podcast episodes, and occasionally writes articles or reviews for the site. He's The scumbag host and Co-owner of PPR, where he terrorizes all with his verbose bullshit.
Here's where you can find George at:
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My love of video games began when I was five years old, when I received a Nintendo Entertainment System. This is a common story for many children that grew up in the eighties; mine is no different. I always appreciated and enjoyed video games, but that appreciation never really took off until I was much older.
It has been twenty one years since I received that Nintendo, but I still feel like a kid at heart. I enjoy talking about and playing video games, more now than I ever did growing up. I believe it's due to the fact that I now have the opportunity to discuss games in a mature and intellectual manner. This is how I became a part of Press Pause Radio.
It was a mutual passion for video games that lead me to the Press Pause Radio podcast, and after the first episode I became a proud supporter of the show. I have since had the privilege of meeting the show's host, George, and become a part of their broadcast. It is truly an honor to be a part of this fine production, and I hope to continue doing so for as long as possible. I'll throw the ball in Ser's court now.
Toast manages the iTunes and Zune feeds involved with the show, and co-manages all social feeds and news concerning PPR. He also writes the occasional review or article on the website. He's the Co-host/Co-Owner, and quite possibly the only reason why anyone should even listen to PPR.
Here's where you can find Toast at:
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What are these "balls" and "courts" you speak of? Anyway, I'm Ed, known occasionally as "E-Biggie-T." I'm an ardent "everyman's gamer" with experience that knows very few bounds.
Other fun facts that come to mind: I enjoy retro video games much more then I enjoy the current generation, but I will still participate in playing some current releases. Sometimes. I have been known to have a love for obscure Japanese games, making me an avid-importer.
I can be known to be hotheaded, crass, and have a terrible taste for puns. I regularly disagree with popular opinion, making me a refreshing change of pace in a podcast scene where practically everyone agrees with everyone else. What more could you ask for?
Ed produced all of the original music for the show. He is also the third host for the show and appears regularly. He's been known to be somewhat manly and constantly raging.
My journey to gaming was kind of a slow one. As a kid, I loved gaming with my older brother. We’d rent an N64 from Blockbuster (oh, the good old days) to play Mario Kart or GoldenEye 007, and we shared a Game Boy to play Pokemon on. As we got older, though, neither of us kept gaming and I essentially never thought about it again until I moved in with a pair of lovely nerds. Left 4 Dead was the start of it all - I was lucky to have an incredibly patient roommate who taught me how to play, then helped me finish my first ever game (Dead Island, still love it), and went with me to buy my first console.
Gaming quickly became my favourite pastime and the best way to procrastinate on my homework. I immersed myself in it, staying up all night to finish one last quest or read commentary online, and incorporating game analysis into my academics. I’m stoked to join the awesome people at PPR and to fall even further down the rabbit hole!
Emma is our newest writer, and upstart podcaster to boot, she rocks the west-side of Canada. When she's not spending her days getting schoold degrees, playing games, or working towards her degrees in school; she's sneaking into movie screening for films that aren't worth the ticket admission at her local theater.
Here's where you can find Emma at:
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The entity known as Iodine was given life in the year 19XX. The Tandy TRS-80 was the being’s first foray into the gaming world. Those days of traveling to Radio Shack
for cheap software and a copy of their latest free comic are forever etched into memory. Years later, the creators of the entity would emerge from a Toys R’ Us lugging a huge plastic bag. Inside the bag was a Nintendo Entertainment System, which would solidify Iodine’s interest in the hobby. Shortly thereafter, wherever a game existed, the entity was there. Each title, no matter good or bad, is an experience worth indulging. Adulthood has changed things slightly. There isn’t nearly enough time to delve into every title, but the entity holds strong to its interests.
Iodine writes articles attempting to focus on topics and history related to the industry. Someday Iodine would like to open a video game museum and showcase the entirety of the hobby and business. Focusing on niche and specialty articles, he's mysterious as shit and never really appears on the show. Regardless, he's as much of member of PPR as any of the rest of us.
Here's where you can find Iodine at:
While most kids got their start in gaming with the Brothers Mario I was busy selling my soul to the least Final of Fantasies on Nintendo's debut gaming paradise, the NES. Having watched my brothers play D&D every weekend only added to my love for the art of role-playing. I've loved JRPGs since long before they had tropes and I still need my J-fix even today, whether it's destroying an ancient evil or tending to my livestock. But let's be clear: nothing measures up to the catching of hundreds of little critters in tiny, cramped balls!
Despite a love for turn-based menus, tons of jobs and classes and a nice deep strategy well, none of that means I can't kick your ass at fighting games, too. I haven't met a chump yet that could beat me at Soul Calibur II.
Otherwise, I'm a fairly regular crazy rat lady that loves to write novels, drawing original comic/manga characters, has an undying obsession for the Dreamcast and stars alongside Ser as Player 2 in the popular, hit show, Bullet Heaven HD.
The other half of TEAM DÜO, Ren is a lady with a strident voice and a tender heart; and Ed's other-half. She not only co-piloted the Bullet Heaven feature with her hubby, but she's also in charge of our Pokémon Orphanage feature, and appears on the podcast from time to time. Other than that, expect to see her reviews, and other contributions as she gets used to her new journo role on the site!
Here's where you can find Ren at:
"Tampa born and Nintendo raised" is the best way to introduce myself. Ever since I first picked up a controller when I was three I have had a special place in my heart reserved for my favorite pastime of playin them thar vidja games.
My family has never been against video games. My Mom beat Legend of Zelda twice, and my Papa conquered Adventures of LoLo; not bad for a southern hunting family. They have been a defining part of my life and what has made me, well, me.
From RPGs to FPSs, point-and-click adventures to dating sims, I have (and will play) any genre I can get my hands on. Hell, one of my favorite games of all time is a fucking cell phone game. Drop any weird ass game in front of me and I’ll at least give it a try. I love what games can do as both a form of entertainment and a form of artistic expression. When I got my first game magazine subscription to GamePro when I was 8, I discovered my calling. I knew my dream job was to make everyone listen to my opinions on video games, and tell them their idea was stupid. When I met Andy and he said it was cool for me to write up a couple of reviews, I was super stoked and have been willing to help out the site ever since.
James mostly writes for PPR. In fact he's a reviewing machine, and that's what helped him get the gig here, but he does manage to contribute to the podcast when Toast feels helpless towards George's usual onslaught of poignant madness. He's also a fan of the Mako from Mass Effect... yeah, we know.
Here's where you can find James at:
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Stevie is our guy in the UK, we're officially international now. When he isn't co-hosting Indiedrome with Matt, he's usually writing bad jokes or bad editorial for us, we honestly have a hard time telling the difference. Stevie might make an appearance or two on PPR but expect him on Indiedrome everytime, and be sure to catch his editorial work here on the site!
Here's where you can find Stevie at:
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